Pan carotid

February is Heart Month

Did you know that dentists can detect carotid artery calcifications on a panoramic x-ray in the office? Recent research published in 2022 in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, found that panoramic imaging had about 80% accuracy in detecting carotid calcification. This is similar accuracy to color Doppler ultrasonography used by physicians to detect calcifications. Carotid atherosclerosis plaques have already been established as being a risk factor for cerebrovascular disease and strokes.

Our office uses an extraoral imaging or panoramic x-rays every 3-5 years to evaluate teeth, bone and even screens for carotid calcifications.  When we see calcifications in the neck on our imaging, we can send the 2D imaging to your primary care for further testing to determine risk factors for stroke and assess whether further treatment is necessary to lower stroke risk.

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Monday: 8:30 am–5 pm
Tuesday: 8 am–5pm
Wednesday: 8:30 am–5 pm
Thursday: 8:30 am–5 pm
Friday: 8 am–1 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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